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Training Classes

Building relationships that last a Lifetime

Does your dog lack recall? 

Are you embarrassed to take them out for walk due to their behaviour?

Would you like to find walks joyful again, rather than them being an extreme sport?

Do you want to have a fun and bonding activity to do with your dog?

Have you just got your first ever puppy and unsure of what to do next?

Then you're in the right place!

What you do today can change all your tomorrows!

Dog Club

Training is something you do with your dog throughout their life, not something you do to your dog.

Aylsham Dog Training encourages owners not just to tick the box of attending a puppy class.


Therefore, once you have completed The Basics course or Loveable Rogue Reactivity Strategies you can slide straight into Dog Club! Alternatively, a 121 can be booked in place of the classes. This is a weekly class where we continue to learn and develop together, fine-tune and proof behaviours as well as working on any new struggles that appear. 


We will work through graded levels, as well as covering topics that owners request. As owners and trainers of Loveable Rogues, we are very aware that proactive and preventative dog training is a much easier, and less stressful & emotional journey than reactive training once issues occur! 


Through attending weekly classes it will make dog ownership a 'walk in the park' and you the envy of your local dog-owning community! Walks will be stress-free, home life will be calm, and we will have you grow your dog of a lifetime! 


spaniel club

All things Spaniel for spaniels/spaniel crosses!

Whether you're struggling with recall, lead walking, settling, or simply want to progress hunting and retrieving with your spaniel, this is the club for you! A weekly opportunity to train with other like minded owners, with like minded dogs!


Attendees are required to have completed either the Basics or Loveable Rogues class before enrolling in Spaniel Club. Alternatively, a 121 can be booked in place of the classes.


Pet gundog club

A FUN and POSITIVE place to train your gundog breeds!

This class is perfect for anyone wanting to push their Gundog breed slightly further, and give them the much needed outlet that these breeds deserve. 


This group is a fun and positive place to come and train and learn. During this course you will learn how the basic foundational skills for positive gundog work including place boards, working off lead and retrieve. 


Gundog Club is a 6 week rolling term. Attendees are required to have completed either the Basics or Loveable Rogues class before enrolling in Gundog Club. Alternatively, a 121 can be booked in place of the classes.

Norfolk CCS
The Basics

The Basics

For Puppies & Beginners 

6 Week Courses on a Wednesday morning, Wednesday Evening, Friday morning & Saturday morning

Start your training journey with The Basics. This is the first step in creating that dog that can accompany you for a coffee date or a long weekend walk with ease. In these classes you will learn how the training methods we use work, get helpful advice about those niggly struggles and start to develop your new addition into your dog of a lifetime!


If your hands are covered in scratches, you're pulling your hair out during the 'witching hour' or you just want to learn how to have 5 minutes peace then these classes are your answer! Our classes are so much more than a traditional Sit, Stay and Play training group. Get inside your dog and find out why, what, when and where!


We are committed to setting both dogs and their owners up for success. By giving you the equipment you need, the tools you require and constant support when you're not in class, we're sure you and your dog will want a lifetime of fun and training with Aylsham Dog Training. We have a closed Facebook group solely for members of Aylsham Dog Training. In here you'll find constant support; training tips, guides and videos; challenges and more!  

Beyond the Basics
Rally Obedience

Loose lead walking & recall short courses

3 week courses focusing specifically on recall or loose lead walking

Our short courses are the perfect training refresher for you and your dog. During this short course you will be given training exercises to help teach your dog not to pull or to help build engagement and proximity from your dog off lead, whilst creating a reliable recall. Dogs attending should not be reactive or have behavioural struggles. Retractable leads are not permitted.



structured group walks

Weekly walks on a Tuesday morning.

Our structured group walk is the perfect opportunity to work with your overly anxious or excitable dog on lead.


If you have not training with Aylsham Dog Training previously to address your reactivity, you should book a 1-2-1 Training session before attending the walk.

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